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The Qualified Captain Podcast

Over the years, The Qualified Captain has entertained boat owners and water enthusiasts with countless laughs and wild tales. But after all the fun, it became clear: it was time to shift gears and shine a light on the important lessons and warnings behind the incredible stories we encounter on the water.

This podcast will feature the most unforgettable sea stories, inspiring survivors, unsung heroes, captains from every corner of the maritime world, and anyone who shares a passion for life on the water. We’re here to share the hard truths, with a healthy dose of humor to keep things interesting. We hope you enjoy the ride!

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What Will We Cover?

This podcast will feature the best sea stories, survivors, heroes, captains from different industries, and ultimately anyone who loves being on the water. We'll tell you the ugly truth, with some laughs along the way.

Ep 20: Mark The Shark & Crockett Man

Ep 19: Peter Frank

Ep 18: USCG Commanding Officer Captain Warren Judge and Company Commanders

Ep 17: Jimmy Hintzke

Ep 16: Captain Johnny Savage

Ep 15: The Yacht Guy

Ep 14: The Captain and the Kid

Ep 13: Ben Wiggins & Stephen Sawyer

Ep 12: USCG Senior Chief Logan Adkisson and USCG Petty Officer Carter Beck

Ep 11: USCG BM2 Mate Bailey Jackson and USCG MK2 Wyatt Sherpensky

Ep 10: Captain David Stokes

Ep 9: Captain Chris Williamson & Captain Brice Williamson

Ep 8: Captain Michael Ardolino

Ep 7: Martha Guyas, Mike Lenoard, & Mike Waine with the American Sportfish Association

Ep 6: Mike Provost

Ep 5: Carter Viss

Ep 4: Jack Doty

Ep 3: Pyrate Rob

Ep 2: Sascha Scheller, Andrew Sherman and Jack Sherman

Ep 1: Richard Neal / Frying Pan Tower

About the Episodes

Episode 1: Richard Neal

Episode 1: Richard Neal

Richard Neal is the Executive Director of FPTower Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit established to restore the Frying Pan Tower Light Station. The mission of FPTower Inc. is to RESTORE the tower, PROTECT the mariners and sea life below, and PRESERVE the tower for the next generation.

Episode 2: Sascha Scheller, Andrew Sherman and Jack Sherman

Episode 2: Sascha Scheller, Andrew Sherman and Jack Sherman

In the summer of 2021, Sascha Scheller fell overboard while fishing alone off the coast of NC. Sascha watched his boat run away from him while he stayed afloat in the water for over 2 hours without a life jacket. The unmanned boat nearly collided with another boat where father and son, Andrew and Jack Sherman, were fishing. Andrew and Jack hopped on board, reported the situation, and told each other "we are going to look for this guy until the Coast Guard gets out here and tells us to stop.'"

Episode 3: Pyrate Rob
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Episode 3: Pyrate Rob

Two years ago, Mat Wood and two reliable watermen took his Barker 40' center console from Sarasota, Florida to Papagayo, Costa Rica. There were many who doubted they would make it, but that didn't stop them. The legendary Rob Plath aka "Pyrate Rob" sat down with us to tell their extraordinary story of this once-in-a-lifetime trip he just couldn't refuse. There are few as salty as Pyrate Rob, and anyone who knows him will confirm this. Two and a half hours later, and about a dozen beers deep, Rob and I discussed their entire experience, including their near-fatal escape. An absolutely insane sea story that's worth listening to.

Episode 4: Jack Doty
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Episode 4: Jack Doty

Jack Doty is a very fortunate survivor of a man overboard situation on Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota. Jack is an experienced boater, and always made safety his number one priority. Always wears his PFD, and promoted boating safety well before this event happened. On a very cold spring day, Jack went out for a quick ride on his new boat, and the weather started to turn. As the winds started to pick up, Jack took on a bigger wave than expected and fell overboard in 39 degree water while his boat ran away. Jack had a lifejacket on which probably saved his life, but he explains that if he simply had an engine cut off switch on, it could have been just a 5 minute swim, versus a 1 hour near death experience.

Episode 5: Carter Viss

Episode 5: Carter Viss

On Thanksgiving Day 2019, Carter was snorkeling on the Breakers Reef (his favorite spot), and he was struck by a large boat. He lost his right arm on impact, both of his legs were severely lacerated and his left wrist was badly broken. After making a full recovery, he has dedicated his life to helping individuals involved in similar incidents and changing boating and diving safety standards to prevent future incidents. Fueled by his lifelong passion for nature and the outdoors, Carter strives to make our beautiful oceans safer for humans and marine life.

Episode 6: Mike Provost

Episode 6: Mike Provost

Mike Provost started the 501-(c)(3) environmental non-profit called the Vessel Disposal and Reuse Foundation. Mike is a retired Navy SWCC Chief Warrant Officer, a USCG 100 ton master captain license, a NSBC boating safety instructor, and is part of the American Sailing Association. After noticing all the derelict vessels over local waters and state parks of Virginia Beach, Mike took it upon himself to take action. Since December 2021, the VDRF salvaged 47 abandoned vessels, and over 450lbs of hazardous debris. We discuss his story, the goals moving forward, and the derelict vessel issues throughout the country.

Episode 7: Martha Guyas, Mike Lenoard, & Mike Waine with ASA

Episode 7: Martha Guyas, Mike Lenoard, & Mike Waine with ASA

The American Sportfish Association is a non profit organization who has been looking out for the interests of the sportfish industry, and the entire recreational fishing community for over 90 years. Their efforts in making a fair and sustainable fishery does not go unnoticed. Without ASA, we would be battling government restrictions all on our own. I sat down with Martha Guyas, ASA’s Southeast Fisheries Policy Director, Mike Waine, ASA’s vice president of government affairs, and ASA’s Atlantic Fisheries Policy Director, and we discussed issues like whale speed restrictions, flounder season, red snapper population, striped bass updates, and our increased number of sharks.

Episode 8: Captain Michael Ardolino

Episode 8: Captain Michael Ardolino

Immediately following the September 11th 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, Manhattan was completely shut down. There was only one way on and off that island: by water. To learn more about how people were evacuated from Manhattan that day, I sat down with Captain Michael Ardolino in Brooklyn, NY. Since the early 1930s, Captain Mike's family has been involved in the fishing and private yacht charter industry. When Mike's father, Captain Vincent Ardolino, the captain of the Amberjack V, saw the devastation on TV that morning, he told his wife,“I’m going to take the Amberjack up into the city and help … I have to do what I have to do … Even if I rescue one person, that’s one person less that will suffer or die.” Mike, Vincent, Teddy, and one other crew member started cruising towards Manhattan. They were there for 3 days evacuating, and assisting personnel both on and off the island. The United States Coast Guard coordinated a large convoy of merchant ships, tugboats, ferries, charter boats, and basically anything that could float to help evacuate the stranded and injured victims. Together, these mariners evacuated over half a million people trapped on lower Manhattan in under 9 hours. A rescue effort that would become the largest water evacuation in US history. There is an incredible YouTube video called “Boatlift” that we highly recommend watching. We would also like to give a big shout out to the VALOR veterans group at S&P Global. This group includes 9/11 responders, survivors, and family members. If anyone is interested in getting involved with us for upcoming programs this September and beyond, they can email with the subject line "9/11 tribute." BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience

Episode 9: Captain Chris Williamson and Captain Brice Williamson

Episode 9: Captain Chris Williamson and Captain Brice Williamson

Captain Chris Williamson owns and runs Williamson Outfitters out of Eastpoint Florida. He is joined by his two sons, Captain Brice Williamson and Bear Williamson who all built a premier guide service for duck hunting, gator hunting, fishing, gigging, scalloping, and custom boat tours along Florida's Forgotten Coast. On June 13th, 1998 Chris was fishing with his Dad and cousin when their boat capsized, and sent the three of them on a 3 day fight for survival in the gulf. Today, Chris teaches his kids, and his captains/guides the importance of safety, skill, and survival out on the water. On January 20th, 2024 his son, Captain Brice Williamson and Captain Clay Sorrell rescued two men off another capsized vessel during a duck hunting guide.

Episode 10: Captatin David Stokes

Episode 10: Captain David Stokes

Captain David Stokes is a retired charter captain out of Ponce Inlet, Florida. David has been fishing his entire life and has built quite the reputation over the years. He has gone through multiple different style boats throughout his career. The retirement life led him to the pontoon, but that pontoon did not stop David from offshore fishing. In the summer of 2024, David went back to back and released 2 blue marlins on his Godfrey pontoon.

Episode 11: USCG BM2 Mate Bailey Jackson and USCG MK2 Wyatt Sherpensky

Ep 11: USCG BM2 Mate Bailey Jackson and USCG MK2 Wyatt Sherpensky

USCG Boatswain's Mate Bailey Jackson and USCG Machinery Technician Wyatt Sherpensky are both active duty members stationed at USCG Station Oak Island, NC. Despite their relatively young age, they are rapidly advancing in their careers within the Coast Guard. We sat down with them to hear their stories and discuss their motivations for joining the service, as well as the unique career paths they are pursuing. I was particularly impressed by their strong work ethic and the waterman skills they have developed through their experiences in the USCG. Hearing their passion for the Coast Guard left me feeling inspired and even a bit envious of the meaningful journeys they are embarking on.

Episode 12: USCG Senior Chief Logan Adkisson and USCG Petty Officer Carter Beck

Ep 12: USCG Senior Chief Logan Adkisson and USCG Petty Officer Carter Beck

Senior Chief Logan Adkinsson has served in the U.S. Coast Guard for over 22 years and currently serves as the officer in charge at USCG Station Oak Island. Petty Officer Carter Beck, with more than 8 years of service, is also stationed at Oak Island. Both have been involved in numerous rescues, handling a wide range of situations, but one incident stands out above the rest. On the morning of August 14th, four divers who had been lost at sea were rescued off the coast of North Carolina after being stranded for nearly 24 hours. In our conversation, we explored their careers in the Coast Guard and reflected on the dramatic rescue operation that both played a significant role in.

Have you ever considered joining the USCG? If so, learn more at

Episode 13: Ben Wiggins & Stephen Sawyer

Ep 13: Ben Wiggins & Stephen Sawyer

Ben Wiggins, a retired Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Diver, dedicated 24 years of service and has completed dives around the world. Stephen Sawyer is a search and rescue mission coordinator at the USCG Sector North Carolina Command Center. Also joining us were Ben's wife, Laura, an avid water enthusiast, and Steve Marshall, a local pastor and close family friend of the Wiggins.

On the morning of August 14th, 2023, Ben was one of four divers lost at sea off the coast of North Carolina for nearly 24 hours. This episode continues from last week's conversation with Senior Chief Logan Adkisson and USCG Petty Officer Carter Beck, who were instrumental in locating Ben and his fellow divers.That day, Stephen was on call, expertly managing communications between the dive boat and USCG Station Oak Island.

To this day, Ben stays in close contact with Stephen, Chief Adkisson, and Petty Officer Beck—each of whom played a crucial role in his safe recovery.

Episode 14: The Captain and the Kid

Ep 14: The Captain and the Kid

When I first saw The Captain and the Kid on social media, I knew I had to see it in person. The attention to detail, craftsmanship, and passion behind their custom RC boats is captivating. So, I headed to Palm Beach, FL to visit Captain Tom, his daughter Traci, and Captain Donny at their shop.

The Ewer family has a long history on the water—whether as captains, commercial fishermen, boat builders, or yacht brokers, they’ve done it all. Today, they run Ewer Marine Group, a yacht brokerage and marine service company.I’ve been in touch with Traci Volstad, Tom’s daughter, who manages the @thecaptandthekid Instagram. I’ve shared several of their videos on @thequalifiedcaptain and noticed our followers were really interested. A few years ago, Traci sent me a video showing the RC F/V Thunder flying a Qualified Captain flag. From that moment, I knew the Ewer family and I would be great friends.

It all started with the 6-foot RC fishing vessel Thunder, originally built in Beach Haven, NJ. In 1972, Captain Nat Ewer custom-built the hull from 3/16” plywood, modeled after a 36’ Coast Guard rescue boat. Nearly 50 years later, Tom and Donny, Captain Nat’s sons, fully refitted Thunder, transforming it into a downeast-style tuna boat. The three-month rebuild was well worth it.

Since then, it’s been full steam ahead. The Ewers have continued to build a variety of RC boats, and Traci has documented every step. It’s been a blast following along and learning more about @thecaptandthekid.

Episode 15: The Yacht Guy

Ep 15: The Yacht Guy

Alex Jimenez, aka “The Yacht Guy,” is a prominent social media influencer and content creator with one of the largest accounts in the yachting industry. With a passion for luxury yachts, he has captivated a global audience of yachting enthusiasts by sharing daily updates on the world’s most impressive megayachts. Alex gives his followers an exclusive look at what wealth can truly afford, offering in-depth insights into the lifestyle that comes with owning these vessels. From humble beginnings to now traveling the world aboard some of the most luxurious yachts on the market, Alex has created a lifestyle many aspire to. In this interview, we discuss how he turned his dream into a reality.

Episode 16: Captain Johnny Savage

Ep 16: Captain Johnny Savage

Captain Johnny Savage is a local fisherman out of Virginia, and author of the book Lost in the Stream: The miraculous story of Two Fishermen Lost at Sea. In Apirl of 1995, Johnny was onboard thefishing vessel Anhinga 90 miles south west of Key West, Florida where a rogue wave struck tvessel, and sank. Johnny, and the captain onboard were lost at sea and fought for survival. His bookshares his experience of what it takes to survive, and the thoughts that go through someone's mindwhen you start to lose all hope.

Today, Johnny volunteers for Valhalla’s Mission Force, a nonprofit that honors deceased veteraand their families, where he uses his own story to give hope to those in grief over the loss of theirfallen soldiers. Since the publication of his story, Savage has learned of several people who wantedto end their lives but who read his book and found the hope to carry on.

Episode 17: Jimmy Hintzke

Jimmy Hintzke is a retired Navy Seal with over 30 years of service. He now is the owner and CEO of Valhallas Mission Force. Valhallas Mission Force is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping veterans and first responders with their mental health challenges. His mission is to empower these brave men and women to create beautiful and meaningful wood and metal products, which they then give to families of the fallen.

Episode 18: SCG Commanding Officer Captain Warren Judge and Company Commanders

Captain Warren Judge serves as the Commanding Officer of the USCG Training Center in Cape May, NJ, where he oversees the military basic training of approximately 3,800 new Coast Guardsmen and women each year. From 2009 to 2012, he served as the communications lead for the Presidential Response Officer team at the White House Communications Agency, making him the only Coast Guardsman in that role under President Barack Obama.Petty Officer 1st Class Daniel Koerner and HS1 Brielle Penrose are both Company Commanders at the USCG Training Center in Cape May. As Company Commanders, they are responsible for leading and managing their units, ensuring the training, supervision, and development of their subordinates.

Episode 19: Peter Frank

Peter Frank is attempting to complete the Great Loop Challenge by canoe. The Great Loop is a 5,000–7,000-mile waterway route that circles the eastern United States and part of Canada. It includes the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways, the Canadian Heritage Canals, and the Mississippi and Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.

Peter is doing the Great Loop in reverse (clockwise), meaning that 25% of the journey—approximately 1,600 miles—will be paddled against the current through the rivers along the 6,000-mile route. The last person to complete this feat was Verlen Kruger, 40 years ago.In addition to this challenge, Peter has undertaken numerous other expeditions, including traveling cross-country on a unicycle, circumnavigating Florida by canoe, and embarking on several smaller adventures.

Episode 20: Mark The Shark & Crockett Man

“Mark The Shark” was a former fireman and police officer before becoming a full-time fishing charter captain in 1976. He has been running charters ever since out of Southeast Florida. Mark is known as one of the best shark anglers in the world.

Beyond running charters, Mark dedicates a lot of his time to feeding the homeless, supporting local first responders, and assisting researchers in studying sharks. He frequently tags endangered species for research and provides schools with resources to study these animals. Over the years, Mark has been involved in discussions about shark conservation. Many in the community recognize that he advocates for a balance between predator control and the sustainable treatment of marine life, while others question the ethics of sport fishing and its impact on vulnerable species.

“Crockett Man” is Mark’s 8-year-old son. Crockett has been fishing and spending time on boats since before he could walk. He operates his 23’ Mako better than most boat owners I’ve seen on the water. Crockett is a future legend in the making and has already built a strong reputation for his fishing skills, boat handling, and remarkable maturity for his age. He is also quite the iguana hunter!

Who Is The Host?


Aaron Stasiak

Founder of The Qualified Captain

In 2016, Aaron Stasiak launched The Qualified Captain along the North Carolina coast after witnessing frequent encounters with uninformed boaters during his workdays. He created an Instagram page to showcase these incidents and foster global engagement. As The Qualified Captain grows, he looks forward to working with others to help educate boaters and continue building a brand focused on boating safety and entertainment.

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